Does your latest discovery have commercial value? Is your science important to those who stand to benefit from it? Would a potential “customer” of your research welcome your technology, protocol, or intervention?
The five-week I-Corps@NCATS Short Course provides biomedical scientists and engineers with a new approach to accelerate the translation of discoveries from the lab to clinical practice. Based on the National Science Foundation’s Innovation Corps (I-Corps™) program, the premiere federally-funded innovation and commercialization training in the U.S., the I-Corps@NCATS Short Course is an evidence-based experience that will take you out of your comfort zone to connect with potential customers.
How Does It Work?
The five-week I-Corps@NCATS Short Course will be offered Oct-Nov this year (see Agenda below). Participants attend three virtual sessions together, and will be checking in with instructors virtually during "office hours." The participants will be conducting customer discovery interviews throughout the five week period.
What Will I Learn?
Determine the commercial viability of your innovation
Develop a successful business case for securing funding
Expand your network of innovation partners, mentors, and potential collaborators
Develop greater self-confidence and a new way of thinking about how to value the impact of your research
Questions? Here's who to contact:
Matthew Rannals - (
Virginia Tech
Lisa Garcia - (
Course Schedule (Virtual via Zoom)
October 7, 2022: 9-11am
October 21, 2022: 9-1pm
November 4, 2022: 9-1pm
November 18, 2022: 9-1pm
Julie Collins, Instructor for NSF & NIH I-CorpsTM , Innovation Consultant
Matthew Rannals, Senior Venture Associate, Licensing and Ventures Group, University of Virginia
Robert Creeden, Interim Executive Director, Licensing and Ventures Group, University of Virginia
Kevin Combs, Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Licensing and Ventures Group, University of Virginia